perjantai 19. lokakuuta 2018

Royal Charity Open Show 2018 & Joensuu RN

Tyyne ja mukulat (Maisa, Rico, Räpä, Hupi ja Aku)
13.10. vietettiin päivä Vantaalla Royal Charity Open Showssa koko lauman voimin. Kyseessä oli siis epävirallinen näyttely, jonka tuotot ohjataan terveysrahastoon.
Tuomareina tapahtumassa olivat Tony Timberlake (knl Chipperlake, urokset) ja Helen Johnston (knl Danluke, nartut).

BIS-juniori Barnesmore Silver Bells & VSP-juniori Epic Dream's Awesome Wild One
Kuva: Minna Puukko
"RICO" Epic Dream's Awesome Wild One

"Handome fawn brindle. Correct size. Good overline. Very attractive head. Strong jaw. Good coat and skin. Good profile movement. A little upright in shoulder. Would prefer little more return of upper arm. He still needs to drop in brisket a little more but a quality exhibit"

JUN 1 KP VSP-juniori

"AKU" Epic Dream's Alcatraz Can't Hold Me

"Brindle with white trim. Good for size. Correct bone. When he relaxed he showed off his good outline. Well angulated behind with low hocks which he moved well going away. Just wish he had made move of himself"

 NUO /-

Epic Dream's Ants In The Pants
Kuva: Minna Puukko
"HUPI" Epic Dream's Ants In The Pants

"15 months fawn brindle with white trim. Mature for age. Excellent head with strong foreface and correct ears. Good in fill in front. Good depth and balance. Moderate angulation. Beautiful picture in profile holding topline on the move. Slightly wide coming towards and little close moving away"


"RÄPÄ" Epic Dream's Abracadabra I'm Fabulous

"15 months blue with white trim. Good for size and balance. Nice breed type. Sweet expression. Fine ear. Moderate angulation. Very sound mover from all angles. Would prefer more scope and substance"

"MAISA" Epic Dream's Away With The Fairies

"15 months fawn brindle, white trim. Typical head with sweet expression. Nice for size. Moderate angulation. A little narrow built through. Moving a bit close coming and going. Topline falls away on the stand but in profile is more relaxed."


Mimi Chill's Lily Of The Valley
Kuva: Minna Puukko
"AADA" Mimi Chill's Lily of the Valley

"4 years fawn, white trim. Good breed type, size and balance. Beautiful head & expression with correct eyes and ears. Moderate angulation. Very curvy underline. Would prefer straighter front and more strenght to rear quarters. Untidy movement coming and going. Nice picture in profile with correct topline"


"TYYNE" Mimi Chill's Cat Ballou

"5 year old silver brindle. Good breed type and typical head with soft expression. Presented in good condition. Curvy underline that falls away on topline both standing and on the move. Moves close behind"


Mimi Chill's Cat Ballou, jälkeläisluokka
Kuva: Minna Puukko
"Varying in size and type on display. Size overall is good. I would try improve front angulation"


"2 males and 2 bitches. Varying in type and shape. All displayed breed type but I'd prefer more lenght of rib and flowing topline"


Tyyne ja Aada
Kuva: Antti Ruotsalo
Lopuksi haluan kiittää upeasti järjestetyn CoSsin taustahenkilöitä - kaikki sujui mutkattomasti ja tapahtuma oli (taas) hienosti järjestetty! Kiitos!
Ja nyt kun kiittelyn alkuun on päästy, niin kiitän tietenkin kasvatinomistajia, jotka jaksavat ihanasti koirien kanssa harrastaa! Ja kiitokset esitysavusta Jenni, Kari, Emmi ja Emilia!


Vielä loppuun myös Joensuun ryhmänäyttelyn kuulumiset syyskuulta, tuomarina Marja Talvitie:

"RICO" Epic Dream's Awesome Wild One

"Kookas, vahvaluustoinen ja runkoinen poika. Hyvä pää ja korvat. Erinomainen kaula. Hyvä ylälinja. Erinomaiset käpälät. Esitetään erinomaisessa lihaskunnossa. Ei saisi olla yhtään raskaampi".


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